
Why your hormones could be ageing your skin – and how to spot the signs

Women with heavy periods should be offered a hysteroscopy

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) said it had updated its guidance because of advances in diagnostic techniques. It now recommends hysteroscopy as a first-line test for women with heavy menstrual bleeding.

Women with severe period pains should be checked for endometriosis

Women suffering period pain should be checked for signs of endometriosis, amid concerns GPs are missing too many cases of the womb condition, watchdogs say.

Why does a woman’s body shape change during her lifetime?…

One of the fascinating features of female reproductive development is the change in body shape during a woman's lifetime.

What Makes us Fat? (And how do we lose weight)?

The traditional theory of weight gain is simply this: What we eat gets burnt up in energy expenditure or else is deposited as fat. Hence the obsession with “gym membership, boot-camps and personal trainers”!

Eat fat and lose weight?

Can a high fat diet really help you lose weight...